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Bridging the gap between geology and mine planning

mayo 4, 2015

leapfrog webDESWIK is pleased to announce a technology partnership with ARANZ Geo Limited, the developers of Leapfrog 3D geological modeling software.

Connecting the leading software providers in geology and mine planning, this partnership comes as a continued commitment from Deswik to improve user empowerment.

Users will now be able to exchange data between the cutting edge power of Leapfrog dynamic implicit modeling and the innovative mine design and scheduling capabilities of the Deswik Suite.

“Deswik have introduced a new generation of mining engineering software that overcomes the legacy limitations of the general mining packages, the success of which is evidenced by the rapid market acceptance of our software” said Matt Chilcott, Managing Director of Deswik.  “Interoperability with Leapfrog geological modeling will take that to a whole new level, enabling us to work towards our vision of an integrated, simplified and efficient mine planning process”.

ARANZ Geo CEO, Shaun Maloney said they were proud to partner with Deswik, who they see as the new ‘best-of-breed’ in mine engineering.

The new interface is now available. Deswik and ARANZ Geo Ltd will continue to work together to bridge the gap between geology and mine planning.

More on the Leapfrog interoperability

Leapfrog is a next generation geological modeling package, which makes extensive use of implicit modeling for creating geological models. Leapfrog interoperability is available through the recently released version 5.0 of Deswik Suite and Leapfrog Geo 2.2. You can now directly use sub-blocked models created in Leapfrog Geo in Deswik for mine planning, optimization and basic estimation. Also, Leapfrog solids can be directly dragged or imported into Deswik and “refreshed” without the need to reimport.

Manipulating the geological model within Deswik

While Leapfrog provides only limited block modeling capability (creation, geostats, and interpolation), it excels in creating watertight geological models that can be easily fed back into Deswik. Once the geologist has generated the block model in Leapfrog, it can be used and manipulated within Deswik (for example, to add costs, perform aggregation, or optimize a pit).

For more information about this partnership and the recently released integration, please contact: or