Deswik.OPS drives development productivity gains by providing real-time conformance to plan tracking
Agnico Eagle – LZ5 Mine improves development productivity gains with Deswik.OPS
Maximizing productivity remains one of the top initiatives for mine operators around the globe. However, this can be difficult to achieve without a way to monitor the advance of high priority development. Whilst achieving the development target for each period is important, it is perhaps more critical
that cuts (or rounds) are taken in the correct locations to ensure production targets are met.
In partnership with Deswik, Agnico Eagle has achieved significant increases in their development productivity using Deswik.OPS for operational scheduling and tracking at their Laronde Zone 5 (LZ5) mine in Canada.
Luc Girard, Mining Operations Superintendent, explains that, “we now have visibility on priority jobs and can send workers to these locations first. Mine captains and workers have a collaborative understanding of priority jobs and the critical path. With readily available information from Deswik.OPS, the workers feel empowered and self-directed to achieve the best possible outcomes for the operation.”
To learn more, download the case study or contact your nearest Deswik office.