Enabling operators to make better, faster decisions with digital access to plans and production data in the field

Deswik.Apps is a suite of applications that provides critical mining data to operational teams in a digital format, driving smarter business decisions. Each of the apps was created with the operator in mind, to enable them to access task specific data on a tablet or mobile device while online or offline.


By providing operators with all of the information they need to complete their work, the apps can improve decision making and communication, while providing a consistent digital record of activities and updates.


Deswik.Apps extends the digital capabilities of mining operations right into the hands of the operators. By digitizing the way in which operators’ execute their daily tasks and eliminating the inefficiencies associated with paper-based operations.

Benefits of using Deswik.Apps
Go paperless

No more waiting for paper plans before heading underground, the data is right where you need it, in a comprehensible, digital format.

Information where you need it

Have all of the information you need to complete your work, at your fingertips.

More informed decisions

With all of the answers at your fingertips you can make more informed decisions, which in turn will increase productivity.

No double handling of data

All the information is backed up and stored in a central database, meaning that everyone can work off the same data. No printed files or numerous versions, just one source of truth.

Record survey data on the go in underground operations

Deswik.Survey is a mobile application that provides a complete overview of mining locations and statuses to surveyors. It operates both online or offline on Apple or Android devices, providing all of the information surveyors need to make decisions, digitize, and record in the field. Deswik.Survey saves surveyors’ time at handover by providing a seamless digital record of all work completed and planned, on the app or Web Portal.

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Improve efficiency and accuracy in underground development

Deswik.Drilling is a customizable application which provides operators with the latest survey plans, an interactive mine map, face mark-up abilities and an operator toolbox to guide users through complex mark-ups. No need to have operators chasing up paper plans before heading underground to the job. Using Deswik.Drilling, operators will automatically have the current plan on the drill at the face. The operator toolbox was designed to save operators’ time and reduce rework, by stepping them through best practice mark-ups.

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Capture, centralize and track spatial data all at once

Save time in the mine by recording and tracking data on the go with Deswik.SmartMap. Bypass the manual process of recording data by capturing field information on a mobile map for central storing, viewing and tracking. With online and offline capabilities, Deswik.SmartMap automatically syncs to a central database to ensure up-to-date data is accessible for viewing and editing even when underground. Deswik.SmartMap allows you to save time by recording and reporting issues where they occur for future scoping and planning.

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Don’t take short cuts, use Smart Cut!

Jumbo markups made simple. Deswik.SmartCut is for underground jumbo operators. It’s an offset calculator which makes mark-ups simple for laser offsets and minimizes costly mark-up errors. Enter the chainage and offsets into the app and let Deswik.SmartCut take care of the rest.

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View tasks allocated directly from the shift schedule and record task progress

Deswik.OPS – Operator App extends Deswik.OPS beyond the control room to field operations. The planned shift activities are made available on modern tablet devices, allowing operators to understand the work expected of them in the shift and efficiently provide feedback on their work tasks directly through the app, in real-time. This replaces paper and radio-based approaches, which generally result in the double handling of data and data capture errors. Notes, documents, and interactive mine maps in the app provide context to the work to be performed.

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Take a step towards smarter mining. Contact us today to organize a personalized demonstration during which, we will show you how to optimize your mine performance with Deswik’s integrated solutions.

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