APEX Strategic is a cloud-hosted numerical optimization tool capable of solving extraordinarily large mine scheduling problems to maximize NPV. It integrates with Deswik.Sched to enhance decision-making and answer complex strategic problems for your operations.
Assess how key strategic decision parameters like cut-off grades and production rates impact the Net Present Value of your operation.
Identify where value-limiting constraints exist in your operation and perform cost-benefit analyses on releasing them.
Produce optimal task schedules for multiple mines and processing assets simultaneously to inform optimal coordinated-asset utilization strategies.
Understand the return on investment and timing of accessing satellite deposits, continuous improvement initiatives or other major capital investment decisions.
APEX uses Industrial Mathematics to schedule tasks based on their time-value to find the highest Net Present Value (NPV) for your operation.
APEX optimization models are data-driven and can consider a range of input data, such as:
- Input mine designs that encapsulate different mining methods, production rates and geological constraints.
- Underground costs and constraints by mine or mine area, including for development, production, material movement and backfill.
- Processing plant or mill throughputs, recoveries, product specs and costs.
- Operational constraints across multiple producing and processing assets.
- Complex variable financial objectives with constant or time-varying commodity price profiles.
- CAPEX and OPEX works programs.

APEX significantly reduces the planning effort required to produce optimal schedules. It achieves this by leveraging mathematical optimization techniques and on-demand computing resources that scale to the needs of planning teams.
It was built using cutting-edge mathematical techniques to tackle models comprising hundreds of thousands of tasks and mine lives spanning over 100 years.

Identify production bottlenecks using a heatmap visualization to show where the value of the operation is constrained by mining dependencies, infrastructure, and resourcing constraints.
Run scenarios to understand the possible value uplift with optimal task scheduling from releasing these constraints.

You can configure APEX to solve for customizable objectives such as NSR and include complex revenue and cost models.
APEX gives you control of a MILP-based algorithm with parameters to trade-off solution quality and solve time.

Optimize your mine plans with Industrial Mathematics. Contact us today to organize a personalized demonstration to understand how Deswik’s integrated solutions can maximize your mine’s potential.
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