Maximize NPV
- Determine the true economic extent of the ore body to maximize the value of your mineral reserves.
- Run-once global optimization to re-prioritize your mining sequence.
- Co-ordinate between single or multi-mine complexes and processing assets.
Understand economic potential over time
- Assess how parameters such as cut-off grades and production limits impact NPV.
- Understand the return on investment and timing of major capital decisions.
- Run sensitivity analyses on financial cost and revenue models.
Identify bottlenecks through value optimization
- Identify where the operational constraints exist and perform cost-benefit analyses on releasing them.
- Determine the unconstrained potential of the mine plan.
- Rapidly iterate the reserving process by identifying key constraints.
Manage large and complex models with ease
- Set user configurable objectives to optimize complex schedules.
- Easily export mining tasks and their dependencies, mining constraints and resource assumptions from Deswik Planning.
- Manage complex networks, blending and processing rules.
Run what-if scenarios
- Run and analyze multiple scenarios in parallel.
- Replan existing scenarios with ease.
- Compare scenarios inputs, KPIs and ouputs to understand where value is created and lost.
Cloud-based data and compute
- Leverages cloud services to scale compute for large mining complexes.
- Solve scenarios in parallel.
- Enable collaboration across planning teams.